Monday, October 26, 2015

A Spoopy Month #22: Keebler Pumpkin Spice Fudge Stripes

Holy cats, I'm waaaay behind. Here's a quick one for today - promise to make it up to you.

As usual, my own pictures didn't look very good, so here's a picture I stole from someone else (sorry, Margaret!):

Wow. These were a lot better than I expected. They have the same consistency of regular Fudge Stripes, with a thin cookie and nearly as much "fudge" on the bottom. I was expected a graham cracker-style cookie, but the cookie is more like a ginger snap. It's not sharp, but there's a huge amount of ginger there, just perfect to balance with the creamy fudge.

There are a LOT of cookies in this pack, and I don't think I want more than two or three in a setting. Unless I have a cold glass of milk.  ... I just realized I should probably buy some milk after work.

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