Friday, January 13, 2017

MST3K #103: Mad Monster

Our next episode is #103. It begins with Chapter Two of Commando Cody, as Tom learns another lesson about serials: "If they had shown him diving out of the way LAST time, I wouldn't have spent the week worrying about him." The short isn't nearly as bad as the movie this time -- the special effects of the cave melting are really pretty decent.

Yeah, so this movie is a slower, boring-er ripoff of Universal's The Wolf Man. It's got a lower budget and a much more generic script. One of the few things I liked about the film is Glenn Strange. He plays the human version of the titular monster like that other Lon Chaney character, the one from Of Mice and Men.

Sidebar: Two years later, Strange would play Frankenstein's monster against Chaney's Wolfman in House of Frankenstein. They played those characters twice more together -- I can't help but wonder if they ever discussed this one. Probably not.

If the movie sounds like something you might watch without Joel and the bots, well, it's in the public domain, and you can do so here. (Same for Commando Cody.)

The riffing is still really loose -- at one point, Joel calls Tom "Crow." This is the second episode to ever offer RAM chips for movie criticism (and the first in my binge). But the biggest first (and hopefully a last) is Joel's mad experiment with switching bot heads.

This is the second episode in a row to have jokes referencing: The Michelin Man, "peas and carrots," Airplane!, and Kellogg's Frosted Miniwheats. I know that's a long list, but I'm glad they didn't fall into a rut. Speaking of, this is the first of my four episodes to not reference Monty Python.

Coming up next, #108, The Slime People!

A joke I had to look up: "Even our name says Merry Christmas!" (Honorable mention to the Smothers Brothers' winery.)
A joke that didn't age well: "You could learn a lot from a dummy."
My favorite joke: It's cliched, but I love Tom romancing the blender. Josh's Tom is already so perfect and fully-formed. ("Nobody drinks from my gal!") Tom even sings for the first time in this one, and I imagine in coming weeks I'll talk some more about how much I love it when Tom sings.

Odds I'll watch this one again: 5/10. I'll almost always watch any episode a second time.
Overall, I rate this one: 5/10. The movie is kinda slow (I had to nap halfway through), but some of the performances are so big that it's goofy fun. And, like with Time of the Apes or Pod People, I love seeing blatant genre ripoffs get the MST treatment.

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