Wednesday, December 10, 2014

25 Days of Christmas #7b: "Marge Be Not Proud"

Well, holy crap, here's my last Christmas Simpsons, and boy is it ever good. It's "Marge Be Not Proud."

This doesn't appear on my compilation DVDs, which is why I watched it so far out of order. It's amazing to me just how different this show is from "'Tis The Fifteenth Season," the previous episode I reviewed. First, the story is simpler, but it's so much richer. Earlier in the span of any TV series, you can run out of character moments and things to do with the characters. The Simpsons compensates, first, by having hundreds of characters, and second, by externalizing more of the stories as the show gets older, with most of the plots and settings and jokes coming from outside the main body of the show proper. I don't want to go so far as to call that a weakness, but in my opinion it doesn't do anything to deepen or enrich the show, just extend it.

So, Bart wants a new, hyperviolent videogame for Christmas, but it's $60 and Homer and Marge can't promise him he'll get it. He becomes convinced that the only way to get it is by shoplifting, and he quickly runs into the brick wall of store security, and a quick PSA from Troy McClure. He does his best to hide his crime from his parents (especially Marge, who's been annoying him lately by treating him like a young little kid). Of course, nothing remains hidden in Springfield, and upon learning of Bart's theft, Marge becomes convinced she's caused this problem with overcoddling. Her solution isn't to punish Bart, but to start treating him more like an adult.

So Bart gets left out of a few wintry traditions, and by the time he wants to make a snowman of himself, all that's left is the gray slush on the bottom of the car. Marge isn't treating him with love at all, as far as he can see. He comes to the conclusion that he must make amends, and gives Marge the only thing she wanted for Christmas: a good picture of Bart, which she can use to mend the family portrait spoiled by the aforementioned store detective.

I wanted to write pages and pages of just how rich and emotional and funny this episode is, but I don't have to. There's a great review over at The AV Club that spells out most of the points I wanted to make, including the one about how Bart's new portrait brings balance back to the family.

There is one more wonderful piece of visual storytelling not mentioned there that deserves attention. The main part of the show ends with this shot: the Simpson house, with Bart's crummy gray snowman becoming clean and bright again, thanks to Christmas magic. Bart has been restored as a part of the family, not just with them, but made of the same stuff as them too. I've mentioned once already this week how much I love "Bart Sells His Soul," but this has a similar feeling for me, with a true, emotional redemption of that badass little kid. I haven't seen "Marge Be Not Proud" before today, and I'm embarrassed about that. This is a hilarious, heartfelt, perfect show.

As a Simpsons episode, I rate this 10/10. It's super-funny and character-based, with enough unspoken metaphor to really stick in your mind after.
As a Christmas show, I rate this 10/10. After all, Christmas is about family and redemption, and togetherness.

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