Sunday, October 11, 2015

A Spoopy Month #11: More Halloween Peeps

I don't like the other two flavors of Halloween Peeps as much as Caramel Apple, but they're both decent.

The Candy Corn Peeps are... not much. The candy corn flavoring isn't great. (In the past, I've loved other candy corn flavored items, like the original Jones Candy Corn soda, until they switched to cane sugar and ruined the recipe.) In fact, it kind of just tastes like a marshmallow, until you hit that white fudge. It sounds silly to say that anything could be overwhelmed by white fudge, but there it is. I've never been impressed by any other attempts to marry candy corn and white chocolate. (This may be controversial, but I didn't like the Candy Corn M & Ms AT ALL.)

On the other hand, I didn't expect to like the marriage of pumpkin spice and white fudge either, but that's really good. On opening the package, you get a nice whiff of nutmeg and cinnamon and such. Though the spices are a little too subtle for my personal taste, I can easily imagine polishing off this pack in a few minutes (though, as previously mentioned, my bathroom scale wouldn't appreciate that).  I've always passed when I saw actual pumpkin-spice-flavored-fudge, but this has changed my mind and I'm onboard with that concept now.

This Halloween season has been my first exploration of the specially-flavored Peeps, and when Easter rolls back around I'm excited to try some of those new ones. Let's see: orange, probably watermelon, I think I remember cotton candy, was there blue raspberry?

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