Thursday, October 8, 2015

A Spoopy Month #8: Caramel Apple Halloween Peeps

First, an apology: I know that candy isn't, technically speaking, media. But I'm trying to post every day, and I like these candies a whole lot.

So on the back of the review over at Dinosaur Dracula (and if you can't get enough Halloween, please go over there -- it's like the official internet home of the Halloween season), I picked up the Halloween Peeps and I'm eating one a day. (If you know me in person, I've already mentioned my reduced-sugar diet and consequent tiny weightloss. If you don't know me in person, maybe now is a time to count your blessings.)

Anyway, I really enjoyed the apple. It is, as mentioned in that review, very candylike, but it's just tart enough (my favorite real apples are very tart, and I prefer apple candy that's almost sour), and by no means too sweet. The caramel is more than sweet enough, and the pairing of the two is exactly to my taste.

It's been years since I've eaten an actual caramel apple, but my favorite Halloween candy last year was the caramel-apple Twizzlers (they were sweeter than this, not tart enough). Though I haven't seen them this year, the caramel-apple Oreos were waaaaay too sweet for my taste. So, to sum up, this is the most enjoyable caramel-apple snack food I've found so far, though I'm more than willing to try more as they come across my desk.

The cost to buy these online is silly (I paid a buck less per 3-pack at Target, and the shipping is high) but, as always, I like to give you a buy link:

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