Friday, October 16, 2015

A Spoopy Month #16: Charms Candy Corn Super Blow Pop

I tried to take my own picture of this tasty piece of sugar, but it didn't come out well at all. So here's picture I stole from a quick Google Image search:

When you open a Candy Corn Blow Pop, the first thing you get is the smell. This sucker SMELLS like candy corn. If you opened two at once, your whole house would smell like Halloween for an hour.

And it tastes fantastic, like candy corn and a little bit of butterscotch. That might seem like a low bar to set, but after the disappointment of the Candy Corn Peeps, I'm really enjoying this sucker. This is a nice big lollipop, and as you can see from the picture up there, it looks good and candy-corn-ish. This is the third blogpost I've written while working on this Blow Pop, and I've just now gotten into the bubblegum center, which is... interesting. It's just standard bubblegum, which you wouldn't expect to work with the candy corn, but it's great for the few minutes the sugar sticks around.

Anyway, this cost me under a buck at a local gas station, and you can probably find them at any number of random places near you. OR, if you wanna go all in, why not buy 48 of them?

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