Saturday, December 10, 2016

Christmas With Dave Foley #4: KITH "Santa Claus"

I can imagine how this came to be written, and I bet you can too. I haven't done any research about it, but I KNOW it: one too many holidays was ruined by parents hectoring for grandchildren. I just know it. And like with our parents, we all love Santa, even if we don't want to get pushed around by them.

There's not much Dave in this, but it's so seasonal I can't NOT write about it. I love Mark's version of Santa, with hints of Jim Backus and a perfect childlike tantrum when he hears a "dirty" word. I would've liked to see Santa come back for more sketches, where he had to react to real life, but I'm pretty sure Mark already had enough iconic recurring characters.

As a Christmas sketch, I rate this one 9/10. It's a perfect juxtaposition of Santa's holiday idealism with reality, and the problems in that intersection.
As a KITH sketch, I rate this 7/10. It's short, and simple, and the premise is everything. It could work almost as well on SNL or Laugh-In, though the twist at the end is wonderfully KITH-y.
As a spotlight for Dave, I rate this 3/10. He's onscreen for less than a minute, but one of his three lines has a nice twist in the delivery.

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