Thursday, December 15, 2016

Cinnamon Roll Peeps

The Cinnamon Roll flavored Peeps are perfect. They smell like cinnamon! The marshmallow and fudge both taste like sweet, buttery cinnamon. There's even a slight yeasty undertone (this is a good thing) to make the flavor more authentic. I'm trying to keep my sugar intake at a reasonable level, but I just polished off the whole pack in under an hour. Oh well, it's Christmastime. If I can't make questionable dietary choices this time of year, when CAN I?

I could easily eat one of these every day for the rest of my life, so once again it's a good thing for me that they're still just a seasonal item. These are another retail exclusive, only available at Walgreen's. Though I imagine this time next year they'll be more places, since they are so dang good.

You might get lucky -- as I write this, there are some for sale on eBay, though the markup there will be pretty high, so you should just find some at Walgreen's if you can.

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