Saturday, October 22, 2016

TruMoo Orange Scream Milk

Say hi to Aughra there, my newest spooky friend and this month's official food model.

This is at least the second year TruMoo have put out an orange-flavored milk for Halloween (tied into that Trolls movie now, apparently). I've always had a soft spot for strawberry milk, but my all-time favorite dessert is an orange Creamsicle.

This milk isn't nearly as sweet as you think it will be (a quick calorie count tells us that it only has about half the sugar in, say, I don't know, a Sunkist orange soda), so it's not a rich dessert milkshakey flavor. I'd say it works best to wash down a rich cookie, either vanilla or chocolate.

In fact, I think I'd want the cookie to be heavily vanilla, because this milk doesn't really have enough vanilla in it to hit my perfect spot -- I think I'm actually going to put a drop of vanilla extract into my next glass.

Anyway, we've got more Frankenstein posts coming up, and Aughra and I will tell you about the new seasonal Peeps flavor, plus I'm planning to share a whole album of spooky music before the month ends.

(And since TruMoo doesn't sell anything online -- I got mine at Walmart, though I've seen their stuff in plenty of convenience and grocery stores -- today's buy link will help you get your own Aughra to have dinner with, and then maybe discuss cosmology.)

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