Monday, October 31, 2016

The Space Ghost Halloween Collection, Chapter Three

Episode the Third is "Switcheroo," from Season Three.

Space Ghost is interviewing Susan "Youngest One In Curls" Olsen, when his evil twin shows up and tries to take his place. For a few moments, Spacey doesn't notice. Y'know, since he's so smart. After insulting Susan a bit, the evil twin demands Elvira, so he can flirt with her. Elvira announces she's working on several projects (I keep forgetting she wrote a handful of books -- I should find one sometime).

Spacey returns, and demands the return of Susan Olsen. He's immediately called away again, and the twin makes Moltar bring Elvira back. Space Ghost finally realizes his evil twin, Chad Ghostal, is the one causing this week's confusion about the guests, and they prepare to duel. Luckily, Mother Ghostal intervenes, just in time for another impostor to make an appearance, to end the show.

My favorite Zorak moment in this one is possibly my favorite Zorak joke ever, as seen to the right there.

This show also has a great Moltar joke, which I haven't seen many of in this random collection: asked if he has rocks in his head, Moltar says, "Well, actually..."

Besides the iconic Zorak joke, I love the recurring sound effect joke of the little kid saying "whoosh" every time Space Ghost flies up out of sight. I've watched this twice in two days, and laughed literally every time. (This isn't new, either. I've seen this episode several times before. I conservatively estimate I've laughed at that "whoosh" at least 50 times over the years.)

As an episode of SGC2C, I rate this one 8/10. It's still got the classic early-years guest banter, plus a helping of the later-era bizarre surrealism. I love "whoosh."
As a Halloween show, I rate this 8/10. Besides all the Elvira content, there's an evil twin, and a creepy closeup of that sticky icky eye. Yeccch. There's even a trick-or-treater at the door.

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