Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Cherry Cordial Peeps

Hey, there are special Peeps out for Valentine's Day! I mean, of COURSE there are!

I could only find one of the two flavors near me (sadly, it seems like the lesser of the two), but I love a good cherry cordial or eight, so I was excited to try these. They smell just like a chocolate-covered cherry. They taste almost exactly like a chocolate covered cherry. The mouthfeel, well, that's more marshmallow and less gooey-sticky-goodness.

The cherry is pretty good, a little tart. That plus the dark chocolate dip keep the vanilla marshmallow from overpowering it. Like the best dipped Peeps, this feels like an adult candy. And I know that's a ridiculous sentence, but at this point I'm commited to typing up serious reviews of Peeps, so I think I should have some leeway. And at only 50 calories apiece, these chicks are the best bang for my sugar buck this month. Today is the big day, so these might not be easy to find (I couldn't get 'em on Amazon, so here's a buylink I cannot vouch for -- good luck!).

Whatever you do today, talk to someone you love. Tell them you love them. And eat some candy -- life is short, and getting shorter by the minute. Happy Valentine's Day!

Edited to add this late-breaking Valentine's video from the happy couple:

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