Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Gingerbread Larabar

Hey, look! It's another seasonal Larabar! The gingerbread one is... okay. It smells good, and I like the addition of raisins and vanilla to the recipe. But it's just not gingery enough for my taste. I kinda wanted to smell more ginger when I opened the package, and that's not there.

Like the pumpkin pie flavor, the texture isn't what I'd pick. But hey, it's another bar that's mostly blended dates and nuts, and it's not called "Ginger Snaps," so maybe my own expectations are the problem. I love the idea that every food company makes special seasonal things during the holidays, and I never would've tried a Larabar if they hadn't put out these flavors, so it's a win-win for everyone.

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